Create your own user account for free via "New Login" to check-out the multi-frequency GNPCVDB125 antenna correction database. The download of PCV/GDV antenna correction files is restricted unless you have a valid GNPCVDB license (request here)
License for the use of the Geo++ GNPCVdatabase (GNPCVDB) (english) (german)
GNPCVDB provides you free access to information on GNSS antennas. You get information on antenna reference point (ARP) and north reference point (NRP) definition, pictures of the GNSS antennas, plots of the antenna Phase Center Variations (PCV) / Group Delay Variations (GDV) corrections.
GNPCVDB125 provides multi-frequency GNSS PCV information and antenna corrections. The GNSS antenna corrections are consistently determined with the Geo++ Automated Absolute Field Calibration. The phase center offsets and variations are provided in the international ANTEX and Geo++ ATY/ATZ format. Group Delay Variations are provided in the proprietary Geo++ ATY/ATZ format only for use within GNSMART.
License for the use of the Geo++® GNPCVdatabase (GNPCVDB) (english) (german)
Gesellschaft für satellitengestützte
geodätische und navigatorische Technologien mbH
Steinriede 8 | 30827 Garbsen | Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)5131 4689 0
Fax: +49 (0)5131 4689 99
Create your own user account for free via "New Login" to check-out the dual-frequency GNPCVDB antenna correction database. The download of PCV/GDV antenna correction files is restricted unless you have a valid GNPCVDB license (request here)
License for the use of the Geo++ GNPCVdatabase (GNPCVDB) (english) (german)
GNPCVDB provides you free access to information on GNSS antennas. You get information on antenna reference point (ARP) and north reference point (NRP) definition, pictures of the GNSS antennas, plots of the antenna Phase Center Variations (PCV) corrections.
GNPCVDB provides dual-frequency GPS/GLONASS PCV information and antenna corrections. The GNSS antenna corrections are consistently determined with the Geo++ Automated Absolute Field Calibration. The phase center offsets and variations are provided in the international ANTEX format.
This database contains more antenna types due to the longer history of dual-frequency calibration.
License for the use of the Geo++® GNPCVdatabase (GNPCVDB) (english) (german)
Gesellschaft für satellitengestützte
geodätische und navigatorische Technologien mbH
Steinriede 8 | 30827 Garbsen | Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)5131 4689 0
Fax: +49 (0)5131 4689 99
Create your own user account via "New Login" to use the free service to upload a GNSS antenna correction file in ANTEX format to visualize PCV